Miss Match Meets MisMatch

I don't mind admitting that I have a tendency toward the safe when it comes to colour palette and design. I enjoy the harmony in matching and it seems to be my reflex choice. Recently I was coaxed out of this rather predictable pattern when I found myself inspired by the wonderful style at Pop Craft and last week a chance opportunity to have a garment paired with a new design by The Maker's Journal found me out of the comfort zone again and rather liking it...

The Maker's Journal design beautiful cut & sew patterns in their Melbourne studio and a quick browse through their website shows a talent for making the mis-matched match. The new design, shown here with The Maker's very cute Olympic Bloomers, is a reworking of my old favourite The DoubletI have added a new contrasting collar, shortened and fitted the sleeve and played with some different yarn... 

This version is dubbed The Doublet Redux. A limited edition lambswool version of The Doublet Redux and other designs are available from PopCraft and patterns for the Bloomers and other designs are available through The Maker's Journal store...

While I relish an opportunity to step outside my well trodden design aesthetic I couldn't help but knit one up in my favourite earthy, muted palette!


  1. I love this version - would suit me as I'm petite. Love, love the colour!!!!!

  2. Very nice Bri! Love the colour combination and the alterations you have made :)
